The Essential of Ejtehad in Contemporary Age
Cases, Ijtihad, Infer, Islamic law sources, MujtahedAbstract
Ijtihad, as one of the great specialties of Islamic law allows it to be immortal. Since, almighty Allah has allowed the mankind to take part in legislation or infer from the gray commandment from Quran and hadith. No one has the right to deny it and no one can abolish.
Ijtehad has its own circumstance; the one who is qualified and capable of Ijtihad can bring out new verdict from Islamic sources and can infer any commandments related to new events from the Islamic law sources.
Ijtihad is the use of maximum power of knowledge to understand and infer commandments from Islamic law sources that Mujtahed is not capable of going beyond it.
The Islamic nation is obligated to provide the opportunity and pave the way for doing Ijtihad to those who are capable of doing Ijtihad, so they could easily infer commandments related to new events and cases by which we can solve social and contemporary problems of Islamic nation.
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