Gaining Humanity and Ethical Life by Following the Prophpethod Morall
The prophets are those servants that have been chosen by almighty Allah to lead people on the right path. The majority of them were commissioned to specific area, but the Prophet peace be upon him, sent as the mercy to all mankind and creatures. The prophet peace be upon him is the model of politeness as he had the highest morals and the best attitude. Having such wonderful manners was the main factor of success in his mission as he took the title of Al-Amin before prophethood. His great manners and excellent moral become the most wonderfull with the Quran. He was always interacted with his companions as an ordinary man and has never isolated from them. According to his wife Ayesha, prophet peace be upon him was the practical Quran.
One of his wonderfull manner is the great humility as the Quran commands for lowering the wings of humility towards believers. İt is against humility to interact with arrogance and pride toward other people. As a result, arrogance is forbidden according to holy Quran. Lack of humility is the sign of arrogance, but the excess of humility and modesty can be also the sign of pride.
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